Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Dylan's Favorite Type of Lady Cage Match

The other day at PAJIBA we had a good talk about red haired women and the men who love them. I count myself as one of those guys but it's not only the scarlet haired beauties that catch my eye. I also enjoy other varieties of the fairer sex. Today we will list my top 3 "types" and talk about why each of them are so irresistible to this writer.

# 3- Jewish girls- They don't have to practice the faith but women folk who come from this back round have a sway over me. The dark hair, the smoldering eyes and the fact that dating one of God's chosen people might earn me some brownie points come apocalypse time all appeal to me. I have yet to date a girl from this group but I have a delicious hook up memory from my sophomore year of college.

# 2 Red Head's- These girls are just a lot of fun. Every one I have known in the biblical sense or just as friends know how to have a good time. Like I mentioned on Pajiba the other day it has been my experience that most women with red hair have also been blessed with fantastic racks which is like being gifted a new car filled with gold. The popular jokes around her are usually disparaging "fire crotches" but I could really care less the fire haired ladies of the world are more than alright in my book.

# 1 Latina's!!! - Even though my ex is one I wouldn't dream of holding against the rest of these women. What do I like about them? Well let's see, the are all hot and I mean all of them, when I traveled to South America I found that in each country people thought their women were the best. Venezuelan girls laughed at Argentine ones, Argentinian women thought they were way hotter than Chilean or Paraguayan girls and pretty much everyone was jealous of Brazil. To me though it doesn't matter- they are all gorgeous. Girls who were deemed average looking to other Latin Americans looked liked models to me and I was mocked for thinking that some of the maids I saw were pretty damn cute. They are generally alot of fun to hang out with and let's face it, Spanish is a pretty sexy language. It's because of this attraction that I am 99.9% sure I will father a little Pablito at some point in my life.

So there you have it my top 3. Keep in mind that although I prefer these groups it's been well over a month since sex so much right now I'm like Don Johnson in that the only thing I'm needing right now is a "Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat"


natália said...

You know, a huge part of Latin America speaks Portuguese, that same part you said yourself everyone else is jealous of.

Just sayin'.

(Though I have to admit I also find Spanish a very, VERY sexy language.)

Dylan said...

You are correct of course but so far I haven't had the pleasure of listening to much Portuguese. I do think that attempting to survive Carnival should be a life goal at some point so maybe I can compare the two languages sexy sometime down the road.